Feedback & Complaints
Our Complaints and Dispute Resolution Process
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Our Complaints and Dispute Resolution Process
We are committed to meeting and exceeding our customers’ expectations whenever possible and would like to know if they haven’t been met. You can make a complaint about any aspect of your relationship with us including the conduct of our agents and representatives. Our complaints process also applies to complaints regarding a declined claim, the value of a claim or financial hardship.
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to or about us, related to our products, services, staff, or the handling of a complaint, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected, or legally required.
Our complaints process complies with the Fair Insurance Code.
Complaints may be referred by either email or telephone:
T: 0800 455 001
To allow us to consider your complaint the following information needs to be provided (where available):
We or the relevant insurer will acknowledge receipt of your complaint and advise the name and contact details of the employee assigned to liaise with you.
We or the relevant insurer will respond to your complaint in writing within 10 business days of the date we have all the information we need to determine your complaint.
We or the relevant insurer will keep you informed of the progress no less than every 20 business days unless it is resolved earlier.
If we or the relevant insurer is unable to respond within 2 months you’ll have the option to take it further with our external dispute resolution scheme. We or the relevant insurer will give you a ‘deadlock letter’ to start this process.
If we or the relevant insurer’s response following the IDR process does not resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, or if we or the relevant insurer have not resolved your complaint within 2 months of the date we first received it, you can seek an external review via our external dispute resolution scheme administered by . Financial Services Complaints Ltd (FSCL) – A Financial Ombudsman Service.
There may be occasions when we or the relevant insurer determine that a complaint should be referred to FSCL for resolution. If this is the case your consent would be obtained before any referral is made to FSCL.
FSCL is our independent external ombudsman and dispute resolution service that has been approved by the Minister of Consumer Affairs under the Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008. FSCL’s service is free of charge to you. FSCL can advise you if your dispute falls within their Rules.
Determinations made by FSCL are binding on us/the relevant insurer. If you would like to refer your dispute to FSCL, you must do so within 3 months of the date that we or the relevant insurer issue the ‘deadlock letter’.
Financial Services Complaints Ltd (FSCL) – A Financial Ombudsman Service contact details are:
T: 0800 347 257
M: Financial Services Complaints Ltd (FSCL) – A Financial Ombudsman Service.
PO Box 5967, Lambton Quay, Wellington 6145
If you choose to lodge your dispute with FSCL, they will contact us and/or the insurer and ask for a response from both parties. Response times requested by FSCL vary depending on the situation.
If FSCL advises you that their Rules do not extend to you or your dispute, you can seek independent legal advice or access any other external dispute resolution options that may be available to you.